Saturday, July 10, 2010

& now she's old

My little sister... she's moved out of my parents' house & is out on her own now.
It's weird. But it'll be oh so much fun to have her closer to me!!!

Mom & I met up at Chace's new apt today. It's so perfect for her & she just needs a few more dishes to get a kitchen's worth of dishes!

But we had fun hanging out! It makes me kind of nostalgic for when I moved out. That first little bit was HARD. Ok who am I kidding? I still sometimes get teary-eyed leaving M&D's. It was, still is, & always will be home. 

Anyway... before it gets too deep --- CONGRATS!! on the new life change my Big Little Sister. I love you! 
Call if you need anything ;) ... I may or may not be able to offer a hot meal.  

Scenes from today:
 On our way!

 The following are my Mom & Sister... totally average day -

Um you should not have mouthed off sister dear! ;)

In Trouble - she's scared!

Trying to make it all better!

Nope doesn't work!

All the while... Aria?
Yeah she's just lounging
::sigh:: I love that dog.

On the way home
Don't worry! We were stopped.

Also --- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!! Love you :)

Bisous, Kiki

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