Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 25

Day 25: It’s Christmas! What were some of the things you received this year?

I don't like focusing on what I got. So instead I'm doing "What was your favorite part of this Christmas?"

& go with spending it with my love, my family, & my Aria.
It was an amazing day. Couldn't ask for a better day. Honestly.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 23

Day 23: How much money do you think you spent Christmas shopping?

Not much at all. Remember a few days ago when I said we're broke?
Still are ... & not b/c of Christmas shopping. (too bad)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 22

Day 22: Somewhere you would want to spend Christmas one year.

Somewhere with snow! Somewhere gorgeous & cold. Somewhere with a big fireplace and lots of books to read.

Also overseas - England or France

(of course with Josh!)

Maybe someday...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 21

Day 21: Your favorite Christmas movie.

Ha! Um I don't have one.
For all the love of Christmas tradition in my family we never watched a Christmas movie every year.
Yeah, I've never even seen some of the classics - like "It's A Wonderful Life" ... For Shame!

So maybe that's what I need to do this Christmas break because now I've GRADUATED!!!
Only that means this isn't really a Christmas break. It's just Christmas time. I no longer have breaks. Sigh. I knew this whole graduating thing wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 20

Day 20: All time favorite Christmas present.

Well shoot... I don't know. All time?
My very special earrings from Josh. I adore them! :)

Although I got the boxed set of Anne of Green Gables from Dr. A last year (or was it the year before? and was it for my birthday instead of xmas? I can't remember.) I loved that gift!

I guess I really don't know!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 19

Day 19: Whose gift was the hardest to buy this year?

Well, see we're kind of broke. So no Christmas presents this year! Oh yay!
But if we had bought presents the two hardest are Josh & Master.
I never know what to get them.

On the other hand... I could buy presents for my Mom & Chace all day long :)
I know them so well!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 18

Day 18: Favorite Starbucks holiday drink

Hot chocolate!
Yes, that's right. NOT a coffee based drink. Ew!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 16

Day 16: Your favorite Christmas tradition.

Anything family related.
I adore decorating the tree with my family. I love the silly gifts we get in our stockings. I love that it's always chaotic when the whole family is together.
I love it all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 15

Day 15: Most annoying this about this time of year?

People who don't adore Christmas as much as I do! Ha!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 14

Day 14: Share a previous Christmas memory

I loved when Josh gave me my "promise ring" ... except it wasn't really a promise ring I guess.
He didn't give it to me in front of everyone. It was later... after we all had opened our gifts at my parents' house.
We were sitting in my room. I was wondering why he hadn't got me a present. & he pulls a pretty black box out of his pocket. & says "Here ... this is for you."  ... very Josh :)
I was nervous opening it actually. By this point in our relationship we knew we were going to get married, but neither of has had proposed (not that we wound up doing it that way).
I was wondering if that is what he was doing.
Nope :)
Just a gorgeous ring for Christmas.

Another great Christmas memory - the first year Josh & I put up our first tree.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 13

Day 13: 5 things you love about Christmas

I adore everything about Christmas ... but here go five:

1. Lazy days spent with family
2. SNOW!! (especially last year when we had a WHITE CHRISTMAS!)
3. Cozy fires with hot chocolate & Christmas music
4. Love that fills the air
5. Giving gifts that make people laugh, cry, and grin like crazy

I could go on ... and on ... and on ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 12

Day 12: Your favorite Christmas song.

It's hard to pick just one so I'll list several of my favorites:

~ Carol of the Bells
~ Jingle Bells
~ Any Trans-Siberian Orchestra music (especially Christmas Canon Rock - adore it!)
~ It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (because it is, duh!)
~ Silver Bells

I love all Christmas music! I'm one of those people - ya'know the ones who start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving and don't stop until New Year's Day. Heck, I've been known to bust out the Christmas music in June!!

I am especially loving Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer this year ... S & I sing it together :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 11

Day 11: Favorite gift received as a child?

 Ohhh... probably my water babies. They are these dolls that you fill with warm water and they are soft, flexible and warm. I especially adored playing "mommy" when I was little. I had twin girls :)

I also loved my skates that I got one year. & I'm sure there are many other gifts I adored.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 10

Day 10: Who spoiled Santa Claus for you?

I never did believe in Santa Claus & we don't plan to tell our children there is one.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 9

Day 9: When do you put up your tree?

Unfortunately, this year we didn't put up a tree :( but when we do it's after Thanksgiving


... is my LAST DAY of undergraduate classes!!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 8

Day 8: There is mistletoe hanging above you, who do you wish is under?

So should I be all appropriate and say Josh?

Or should I go all fantasy and say someone else?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 7

Day 7: Your Christmas food craving.

Peanut brittle!
Chocolate chip cookies!
Peanut butter cookies!

Anything sweet and delicious

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lessons from the ST.

Times when S always tells me he loves me:

When he is eating
When I am wiping his bum.

I adore him.

Christmas Challenge: Day 6

Day 6: Which one of Santa’s reindeer is your favorite?

Um never really thought about this. Never watched the movie either (for shame! I know)
I'll just go with Prancer because I like the name :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 5

Day 5: Favorite Candy Cane Flavor.

The really delicious multi-colored yummy ones!


 & now I really really want some!

(as always the picture is linked to it's source)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 4

Day 4: What 3 things come to mind when you think Christmas.

This one is hard because there are so many memories and warm fuzzy feelings that surround Christmas for me.

So here are 3 of them

1) Trimming the tree ... I loved spending time with my parents & sister while putting up the tree. For as long as I remember it was a white tree with gorgeous blue and silver lights, bulbs, ribbon, and tinsel. Plus my one red bulb that said my name & '94 on it. It always had to be on the tree, but dad relegated it to the back because it ruined the vibe of the tree! lol 

2) Fires & hot chocolate ... the house I grew up in has a fireplace and my parents make use of it every winter. I adore sitting in front of a fire and drinking hot chocolate. A very favorite memory that brings back those warm fuzzy feelings of being loved and being happy.

3) Absolute crazy family times! ... this is a memory that goes along with every holiday and most other random weekends. The time and place we get together changes every Christmas, but one thing stays constant: my family is fun, rambunctious, loving, joking, and chaotic. I can't begin to describe how happy I get just thinking about the times we've had together. I adored growing up with 3 siblings, and I would love to have several kids of my own so they can have the same happy and chaotic childhood I did.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 3

Day 3: A picture of you in the snow.

I adore this picture of myself.

 The snow in my face is courtesy of Joshua.
Thank you, my love.

Also here's this one
Also thanks to Josh

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 2

Day 2: Send a letter to Santa what’s on your Christmas list?

Dear Santa,

I'd really love a(n)

(I <3 Apple)

 The Good Wife Season 1

(wouldn't mind owning the last two books either)

 This gorgeous watch

That's all Santa! (actually I could make a much larger list ... but won't)

(all pictures are linked to their respective sources - if university taught me anything it's to cite my work)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Challenge: Day 1

Day 1: A photo of you last Christmas.

We had an amazing Christmas last year - it snowed a ton. A white gorgeous Christmas!

The Gorgeous Chace & Me :) 
I adore her

 I adore socks.
Mom gets me new socks every year.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Challenge

I found this on a friend's blog... & I've decided to play along.
So see you for the first installment tomorrow...

Day 1: A photo of you last Christmas.
Day 2: Send a letter to Santa/ what’s on your Christmas list?
Day 3: A picture of you in the snow.
Day 4: What 3 things come to mind when you think Christmas.
Day 5: Favorite Candy Cane Flavor.
Day 6: Which one of Santa’s reindeer is your favorite?
Day 7: Your Christmas food craving.
Day 8: There is mistletoe hanging above you, who do you wish is under?
Day 9: When do you put up your tree?
Day 10: Who spoiled Santa Claus for you?
Day 11: Favorite gift received as a child?
Day 12: Your favorite Christmas song.
Day 13: 5 things you love about Christmas.
Day 14: Share a previous Christmas memory.
Day 15: Most annoying this about this time of year?
Day 16: Your favorite Christmas tradition.
Day 17: A photo of you in the holiday spirit.
Day 18: Favorite Starbucks holiday drink.
Day 19: Whose gift was the hardest to buy this year?
Day 20: All time favorite Christmas present.
Day 21: Your favorite Christmas movie.
Day 22: Somewhere you would want to spend Christmas one year.
Day 23: How much money do you think you spent Christmas shopping?
Day 24: Don’t forget to leave cookies for Santa!. Your picture.
Day 25: It’s Christmas! What were some of the things you received this year?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slay Me With Cuteness

Ok, ok I don't wear jewelry that much, but I adore jewelry. Love necklaces, as I said ... don't wear them that often. With these? I'd wear them everyday. Everyday.

Recently I entered a giveaway for some jewelry or a gift certificate. It required going to Turtle Love Co. to look at the jewelry offered. Along the way I feel in love with this necklace:

Adore it! So cute! Little! Makes me think of S! What's not to love?!

That spurred my memory of another necklace I've been dying to have for quite awhile now.
This baby:

O.M.G. I die. Adorable! Cuddly and oh so sweet. I need it.

So I started looking through the MaryMaryHandmade shop and I see more adorable necklaces...

(makes me think of Mandy - she loves narhwals and everytime I see one I think of her. .... this would look super cute on her - not that she isn't super cute to begin with ... she is. ... oh boy quite talking kiki, you sound like a superfan)

oh the platypus ... I just want to name him Flutter, feed him, and pinch and kiss his little cheeks!
& now I want a platypus to play with.


(photo credits - click on any picture to go to photo source)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lessons from the ST.

Was it last week or the week before? I'm not sure, but I had the best conversation with S.

We were sitting in the kitchen. I was feeding T. S didn't want a snack (yeahhh), but he wanted to sit in his chair next to me.
He's adorable and so sweet when he wants to be with me. He just looks up at me and says "Kiki, I love you." & I melt and tell him I love him.

But that's not the best part... I was in between giving T bites of her cereal and I glanced at S just in time to see his finger in his nose. "Oh, no S!" I exclaimed and glanced back at T. She was still gumming her cereal.
So, I returned my attentions to S in time to see his finger in his mouth... the same finger that had been in his nose. Ew!

"S! Were you eating your boogers? Don't do that!"
S replies very indignantly, "I wasn't eating it, I was tasting it!"

I about fell out of my chair. No exaggeration here. Seriously, I had no idea how to respond to that!! It was hilarious!
So I replied, "Well, don't taste them either" all the while chuckling and I'm sure he could tell. So much for getting my point across!
I just sat and laughed while T ate the rest of her cereal.

This kid is amazing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lessons from the ST.

So I'm a little behind on the posting. What's new? :)

Monday was a great day - everyday with S & T is a great day.

Learned a few more things:
~ With two active little ones I'm less of an entertainer and more of a referee. As in: "No, leave her blocks alone." "No, T don't put S's shark in your mouth." "Come back here!" "No hitting." "No, she didn't mean to take your shark away.... she's little and doesn't understand."
~ It's still a little crushing when a 3 year old points out a pimple. It is a little endearing though. "Kiki, you have a boo-boo like me." ... S said ... pointing to my face ... while I try to explain why he just had a timeout. Sometimes I'm sure he knows just how to change the topic. 
~ It takes a long time to convince a 3 year old anything. A. Long. Time.

~ Poop is still fun :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Ladies

I've decided to take to blogging more about the wedding. Because no one wants to listen to me ramble on and on about it anymore :)

Today I was searching online and emailing back and forth with three ladies about the potential bridesmaids' gifts. It's weird to not be able to discuss the ends and outs of them with the bridesmaids. The whole reason I picked the women I did is because they are the ones I talk to, confide in, and seek advice from. Now I'm making decisions and I cannot talk to them about it. It's weird and I have to stop myself from picking up the phone to text Amy or Heidi or call Chace.
And I can't talk to Mom because I'm considering her present to be something somewhat similar. (Is that bad wedding etiquette?)

Well, I'm off... we are going to meet with Sean, Heidi, and T. [Different T ... a little boy T :)] for dinner. I'm really excited!!

Bisous, Kiki

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lessons from the ST.

Today S taught me that stingrays eat bumblebees. & no amount of coaxing will get a child to eat vegetables. Even the prize of a hot dog.

It was a good day!

Also learned that fussy babies are still adorable babies.

Bisous, Kiki

So I need to get back into this...

Here goes!

Today I babysat - love them!
Hired the wedding photographer.
& had dinner and watched a tv show with the love of my life.

Happy 8 Years Josh! I can't wait to marry you.
109 days to go!

Bisous, Kiki

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my Big Brother!! 

Master is really an amazing person. He's hilarious, an AMAZING artist (I'll have to share his work sometime), one of my best friends, & makes the best BBQ - some of which I get on Sunday! Woot!

I have great memories of him while we were growing up... but what is even better is listening to all his stories about the adventures he had with his friends. Um wow. ... can't share ... they'd get him in trouble :)

But the best part about him? His support of me & everyone else. He is always telling me - "Do what you want. If no one else likes it oh well... do what makes you happy."  .... That unconditional support has been amazing these last few years. Especially when I was bouncing back and forth with what to do with my life. ... It's also been amazing with wedding planning.

Master, you really are an amazing big brother.
Happy Birthday! I love you.

 My brother & me at my 21st birthday party.
I adore this picture of us.

Bisous, Kiki

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Project 365: Week 6: Days 35-41

So this week was nothing big. Just hanging out. ... Josh started his new job & I cleaned the house. & thus these pictures are not that exciting, but here they are nonetheless!

Days 35-41: July 5-11, 2010

Day 35
Two pictures for today. This was how hot the bank said it was coming back home from my parents' house.
This is how hot it really was. Think the bank has a problem?
If you can't read it ... the bank says it was 127*!! ... can you read this?

Day 36
  Aria loves to lounge & I love to find her in cute positions! ♥

Day 37
Wearing my BM shirt from H&C's wedding :)
Funny story - first time I wore this it was with another BM & it was the night before the wedding. We both had them on. The cashier at the store was all "Oh you guys are in a wedding tomorrow?" 
"Um ... yeah"

Day 38
Reading! with Aria!! 
Also? Babysat T this day. So that all adds up to - Perfection!

Day 39
Cutest little puppy face!

Day 40
Saw my Mommy & Chace today!!! EEEKKKK!!!
Also - Happy Birthday Michael!!! 

Day 41
Watched this all day. It's actually a pretty great show!

So there we go! Next week will have some pictures of my visit to my Grandparents'. Have a great week!!

Bisous, Kiki